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Goodbye to My Best Friend and Writing Companion

Writing time with my muse.

Comso’s health went into an abrupt decline at the beginning of December leading to the heartbreaking end of his life on Dec. 10.

I could not have asked for a more loyal, loving, and trusting animal companion. I am filled with gratitude that Cosmo came into our lives and that we got to spend nearly 17 years together as a happy family of three.

Cosmo and I wrote and finished all of my current series together – as well as starting the first 70,000 words of a new one. He was the perfect writing (and reading) companion until the very end. My last photo of him was pressed against my leg, reading together on the couch.

Thank you for being a part of our social media life through the years and different series and parts of the country!

I know a lot of you have experienced loss and life’s stresses. I wish you peace & joy & love wherever you can grab hold of those treasured moments of bliss.

xo, Nikki

Keeping watch while I plot Wolf Hollow Shifters.
Making himself more comfortable.
Getting me out for a walk when I’ve spent too much time in front of the computer.
Enjoying the beauty of nature.
Always up for getting messy.
Goofing around.
Saying “I love you”.
Taking a break.
In my heart forever & always.