What’s up with Royal Conquest? Well, I thought it was going to be a duology . . . right up until my first writing deadline on False Queen. My content editor granted an extension and it wasn’t until I nearly gave myself an honest to sky stroke meeting the extended deadline, that I realized there was going to be a third book (Three Kings). ???
I had the first chapter and a half written before hitting a brick wall. (Wish I could portal through that sucker!) So I gave myself a “breather” and worked on rewriting a romantic comedy I wrote last spring and had set aside.
But I’ve been feeling anxious because of how False Queen left off and my content editor only has ONE SINGLE opening this summer to work on the book.
I opened the Three Kings Word doc this week, reread what I’d started. Laughed. LOVED it . . . and still felt myself staring at a stone wall. (What the freak berries?!) Finally, Mel took matters into her own hands, seeing as I’ve become pretty much useless for weeks (re: months). Hey, I’m just the creator here. Whatever.
Anyway, she did something that totally surprised me and her companion who warned her: “This is a terrible idea.”
To which, she naturally thought: “Oh, goodie. My favorite kind.” ?
This series (this saga!) has been such a wild ride, one I’m experiencing the way you do as a reader — not knowing what’s coming next. It’s been a bit nuts, but nuts are better than pits, and I can now say I’m breaking through that wall to tackle the final book, Three Kings. I’m giddy with anticipation and can’t wait for you to complete the journey with me, Mel, Aerith, Hensley, and the Elmray clan. It’s going to be F-U-N fun! ?
In the meantime, reviews fuel my energy. I’m just sayin’. If you love it. If you’re excited, want more, etc., etc., etc., your Amazon reviews mean the worlds (plural) to me and help new readers discover the series. ? ? Thank you for being the opposite of a pit head! (A berry head???) ? ?